Platform Tennis Fun

Platform tennis gives players a way to continue their game no matter what the weather, location, or overall conditions may be. Paddle tennis can be played indoors or outdoors, during the summer and winter, without having to worry about slippery and icy courts, or the rays of the sun burning down on the players.

Platform tennis is not only entertaining, it gives us a chance to become physically fit and to compete against other enthusiasts, while at the same time, have fun and show our skill with the paddle. It is a sport that is full of action, fast movement, lightning speed and can be played by people of all ages, regardless of their physical condition.

While platform tennis professionals take their sport very seriously, and can be extremely competitive, amateurs enjoy the quick pace it tends to offer and the possibility of enjoying a one on one game with new or old friends. Children also love the joy of playing against each other or against a grandparent, which helps to create more quality time with the family while exercising at the same time.

Platform tennis is also a way to improve your overall health, and will help you burn off those extra pounds. Similar to other sports, you can form local teams and leagues, which will in turn become a fun way to motivate each other to become fit and lose the additional weight. A good competition among friends is a great way to spend time together and get healthy, while having fun at the same time.

Platform tennis is similar to the regular version of tennis, but it also has many differences which place it in a special category of its own. Platform tennis is played with a paddle instead of a racquet, on a smaller court and with a lower net. Platform tennis has been around for about 100 years, during which time it has given players hours of enjoyment and fun, in a sport that can be considered as competitive as soccer, and as pleasurable as any other game.

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